International Court of Mediation

FICM and the World Law Alliance provide a platform for the world’s leading companies and law firms to shape a better future dispute management in the world.

As a membership organization, FICM engages global businesses and leading law firms  to address industry, regional and systemic issues to deal with the management and prevention of disputes.
Members and Partners benefit from unique programs and tailored engagement based on their company strategy and their agenda to contain conflicts.



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As Strategic Partner

FICM Strategic Partners include the world’s leading businesses, and are actively involved in shaping the future of DISPUTES. These companies believe in corporate global citizenship and are committed to enabling positive change.

Strategic Partners engage in various programs and platforms. Access to Forum multi stakeholder networks and experts allows participation in strategic decision-making on the most important industry and cross-industry issues.

Strategic Partners are represented at communities, events and projects by the chief executive officer, chairperson or other board-level executives. These executives are personally involved in decision-making and shaping the GLOBAL initiatives.

As Law Firm Member Partners

LEADING LAW FIRMS, are providing essential leadership to support FICM’S mission of building a global dispute ecosystem for a better world where companies can mitigate risk of disputes and operate with certainty in international markets.

RECOGNIZED law firms and independent lawyers with demonstrated track record of good governance, innovation and self regulation approach are invited to join the group.

Our Partners law practice significance means that they play a critical role. They shape the future through extensive contribution to developing and implementing dispute programs and schemes and championing the new initiatives.