Solving disagreements and disputes of Industry Association Members
Organizations, associations, businesses and other institutions appoint WDE-FICM to set up and manage their complaints/dispute prevention, management and resolution service.
Dispute prevention, management and resolution systems can be set up by WDE-FICM for any organization, association, trade/industry body collectively or independently.
WDE-FICM helps associations and other institutions, develop, integrate, manage and administer dispute resolution system for their members in any stage of dispute.
WDE-FICM managed programs for businesses or industry associations
If you represent a trade association or similar organization and would like to bring the benefits of ADR to your members, please consider partnering with WDE-FICM to develop an appropriate rule set, assemble an expert panel of Neutrals, and efficiently administer the cases.
WDE-FICM’s experts will work with you to draft model ADR clauses, create a custom set of rules and procedures, and educate your membership about the process.