FICM Construction Practice offers a full range of procedural options to help avoid disputes and resolve existing conflicts.
The organization has developed resources and value added services to assist construction industry professionals select appropriate dispute avoidance and resolution systems.
In conjunction with these services, FICM maintains Roster of highly credible and finest construction Neutrals from over 80+ countries. These Neutrals bring a broad range of construction industry expertise to FICM’s dispute avoidance and resolution programs.
The involvement of FICM Construction practice comes at the earliest planning stages of a project when bid documents are being developed. At this point, we help draft and review contracts with all necessary framework and clauses that may be needed to incorporate into contracts including dispute avoidance and resolution processes that prove effective.
The FICM solutions are custom-designed and, typically, a program structure will involve several prevention and resolution techniques used in progression.
In the early stages of a project, for example, parties may invoke our innovative Partnering and Negotiation service while Standing Neutrals or Dispute Resolution Boards (DRBs) may be more appropriate as a project progresses, and mediation and arbitration may be the method of choice for resolving disputes once a project has reached conclusion.
The FICM construction brochure outlines the full range of the principal dispute avoidance and resolution techniques and how they may be used at various stages of a project—from early concept and design stages to on-site construction activities, as well as in the resolution of post-project completion issues.
Each process is flexible and may be used independently or in combination with others, depending on the preferences of the parties and the specific requirements of the project.
To operate with certainty, FICM can work with construction companies to create standard clauses to embed FICM as a dispute resolution mechanism in your project contracts.
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