World Law Alliance

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Request for Mediation

Initial Case Submission and Analysis by our Case Managers is Absolutely FREE. Our case manages will Analyse and recommend the best course of action along with initiation fee, if we find the case good to move ahead and contact the other party to join mediation.

Instructions for Submission

Once the submission is received, the mediation administrator will analyse if the case is good for mediation and recommend the initiating party.

A request of mediation along with the merits of mediation process, its neutrality and other benefits is sent to the the Respondent for their agreement to join the mediation process.

USD 100 is one time fee for the initiation of process. This fee includes efforts of reaching out to other party to explain the merits and take their agreement to join the process.

Federation of Integrated Conflict Management
W-122, Second Floor,
Greater Kailash-II,
New Delhi 110048, INDIA
Phone: +91 8505 999 819, +91 8505 999 820
Email:[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][erforms id=”23893″][/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]



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