International Court of Mediation

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When couples or families desire to stay together, but are faced with difficult or complex circumstances challenging their relationship or creating stress points or fractures on the quality of their interaction, mediation can provide a breath of fresh air for the situation.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Working with a third party neutral, in the privacy of a neutral meeting location, a facilitated meeting by a mediator promotes a more positive quality of interaction where the interaction can be slowed or summarized, allowing time to think and respond more thoughtfully about sensitive and important matters. Decisions can be more fully informed and completely responsive to each family’s needs and situation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Such mediation can be one-time meetings or a series of meetings, as decided by the parties. The meetings are confidential and private. They may include issues such as financial matters, loss of job or income, sickness or injury, child entering college, alcohol or substance use, marital breaches, moves or transfers, pregnancy, in-law relationships, births, care-taking of elderly parents, emotionally challenged children’s needs, consideration of marriage for potentially engaged couples and so on.

All families face changes, often times significant changes, at certain times in their lives. Marital mediation is about offering the opportunity for quality interaction about difficult issues and making informed decisions together.

The beauty of marital mediation is that it can be accessed as needed and is a preventative way to maintain a long and healthy marriage for many years until death do you part.

Are you seeking to resolve a dispute through mediation? Call us at 0 8505999819 and we can help you determine if mediation is the best way forward.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]