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Time and again, mediation has proved to be the ideal way of resolving a dispute without depleting the estate with the cost of litigation. The MCN mediation forum gives family members the chance to understand one another even though if they choose not to meet on the day, when relationships are too fractured or emotional.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]When parents pass away, it is not only often a painful experience emotionally, but it also often brings about changed situations financially. It can even be a situation of relief mixed with grief and guilt, when the parent died after great suffering, or died when family conflicts were unresolved. Property is often left to grown children in the form of real estate or stocks. Primary homes and vacation homes are often left for them to decide appropriate use and disposition. Specific personal property distribution is often not addressed in wills in much detail. Family strife often develops over how such property will be used, managed and distributed.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Mediation is an ideal forum for such matters. It allows siblings and their spouses or significant others, or grandchildren if so chosen, to have meaningful dialogue about the effects of the deaths and how they wish to deal with and distribute inherited property in meaningful ways. Often old family controversies, personality dynamics and differences, or sibling rivalries that were never addressed years earlier emerge as obstacles. Mediation offers an opportunity for all involved to overcome such barriers by having a better understanding of each other, the situation, and to focus and take part in informed decision making that all feel is fair and workable. No mediation outcome is ever the same for all families.
Mediators help grown children find easier ways of relating to each other while each works through his or her own acceptance of their parents’ deaths. Mediators often help families who have inherited property decide how to use or co-own a summer home with shared rights and responsibilities of ownership. Mediators often help families create the plan of personal property distribution, which may also involve other family members many miles away, or may include decisions about what other resources are needed to provide valuations or to assist in the appropriate distribution. Rather than being left with loss as well as bitterness, families choosing to use mediation have a chance to move toward something more positive.
Are you seeking to resolve a dispute through mediation? Call us at 0 8505999819 and we can help you determine if mediation is the best way forward.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]