Each year, FICM needs interested individuals to serve in a variety of short and long-term capacities.
Members are invited to touch and influence the collective future of the organization by joining in the planning, direction and decision-making of FICM. There are many opportunities for you to become involved.
Support Your Division: Get involved with your division by helping to staff their table at the Annual Meeting New Member Orientation.
Join a Division or Interest Group: Expand your network and join one of the FICM’s Divisions and Interest Groups.
Submit an Article: Submit a manuscript and sign up to review for one of the FICM’s top-tier publications.
Nominate a Colleague for an Award: Nominate a colleague for one of the FICM’s annual recognition or lifetime achievement awards.
Grow Your Network: Join the conversation or start a group on Connect@FICM, follow FICM on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook or join the FICM group on LinkedIn.
Nominate Members for Leadership Positions: Help shape the future leadership of the FICM by submitting your nominations for elected positions.
Present a Paper at the Annual Meeting: Submit papers and Workshop proposals.
Review an Event Paper Submission: Sign up to review proposals for the Annual Meeting or a specialized conference.
How you get involved is up to you, but the collective involvement of members is what makes FICM such a valuable network for all members.
Enrich your experience by providing individual perspective while strengthening the foundation of FICM as a whole.